SERVPRO Can Handle All Types of Cleanup and Restoration | SERVPRO® of Shippensburg/Perry County
2/15/2022 (Permalink)

Color association is an amazing thing to help a product or service stick in your brain. For example, if we said, “Thirsty. Red,” you’re very likely to think of a particular soda. If we said, “Package. Brown,” there’s a good chance a certain three-lettered delivery service came to mind.
When you see the bright green SERVPRO trucks and vans rolling through Shippensburg/Perry County, we want you to have that same kind of association with us, knowing the industry-leading team from SERVPRO is on the way to help someone with a varied assortment of home or business needs.
When you think bright green, we want you to remember that SERVPRO can help you with:
Water damage recovery. Homeowners all across the country deal with water damage every day, and every day, SERVPRO agents are helping them get the homes dried and their damaged items restored.
Fire damage recovery. House fires, which happen more than twice a minute in the U.S., can do brutal damage to your home. But with some help from the pros in green, your home can look like new again.
Mold removal. Mold is unsafe to live with, and unsafe for DIY removal. It can eat away at your home and generally create an unsafe environment, but we can get rid of it for you safely and completely.
Storm recovery. The threat of tornadoes, heavy thunderstorms or even winter whiteouts can mean all sorts of unwanted effects on your home. But when they happen, your local SERVPRO team can make things right again.
Commercial needs. Obviously, fires and water damage aren’t limited to residential areas, and we help commercial managers and business owners get through these issues, too—plus we can provide custom cleaning solutions that help business shine.
General cleaning. If you’re moving into a new home and you want a stellar clean before you lay down your head, we’ve got you covered.
Specialty cleaning. From crime scenes to COVID-19 cleanup, we’ve spent more than 50 years innovating and pioneering techniques for every situation.
Construction. If a storm takes a toll on your home that’s deeper than a surface-level cleanup job, we can help there, too. From new drywall to reconstruction of whole homes, we’re your A-to-Z team for home recovery needs.
Add 24-hour service and an easy insurance process to all this, and the picture becomes clear—when you need cleanup and recovery of any kind, you can trust SERVPRO to get the job done.